■ Dr. Scott Mayson

Dr. Scott Mayson is the Associate Dean of Research & Innovation in the School of Fashion and Textiles at RMIT University. He is a member of the Centre for Materials Innovation and Future Fashion and the Centre for Advanced Manufacturing. Scott's creative practice focuses on applied and innovative applications of computational design, materials research, and advanced manufacturing with particular emphasis through the body and its relationship to space. Prior to joining the Fashion department at RMIT, Scott was Program Manager of Industrial Design in the School of Design and previously the School of Architecture and Design at RMIT University.

Scott is a practising Industrial Designer who has taught in the discipline for over 20 years, as a practice-based designer, he contributes to design through cross-disciplinary, industry-focused research and teaching. His key expertise is in advanced and emerging technological and material applications, which places him at the cutting edge of current design research practice. Scott’s research collaborations are aimed at expanding disciplinary knowledge through innovative design methods and novel applications that have a national and international impact.


●John Gertsakis


■ Li Edelkoort & Philip Fimmano